Use of study sheet is a very important part of our teaching method. All our teachers have found that the traditional lecture method does not yield the expected results even after putting in a lot of effort, but the use of study sheets has yielded miraculous results.
This experiment was first done in 2014-15 by the B.Com department of Parishkar College. Whose unprecedented results were seen in the college examinations. From 2015-16, this new method has also been implemented in Parishkar College and English medium Parishkar International College colleges.
Multiple choice questions are prepared on the important points of a lesson in the book and given to the students on the Study Sheet. Students come to the class after reading the book at home, finding answers to the questions in the study sheet, and the teacher discusses the correct options for the questions.
Using studysheets, the teaching method is interesting, easy, interactive and covers all the main points.
It is such an innovative method that develops the perceptive ability of the students, enhances the communication skills and strengthens the hold on the subject matter.
Studysheet method is implemented smoothly in Parishkar College under which teachers are trained in workshops by experienced teachers during summer vacations.
In Parishkar College now study sheet has become a very effective tool of educational method. This has developed the mental ability and self-confidence of the students. It is also a great tool for the teacher. Students themselves also get inspired and show interest in making study sheets of their subject.