Self Directed Training Learning methods

  • Inspite of the essentiality and programmes of the teacher training in all the quality conscious institutions, teacher training is the most challenging area of education. We require not only knowledgeable and skilled teachers but teachers who play with their own creativity and ignite the creative aspect of the students also.
  • After a long experience of teachers’ training, the management of Parishkar College evolved in a Self-Directed Training programme where every teacher learns out of his/her own efforts. The only thing required is a strong attitude for learning (i) analyzing deeply his/her particular action and (ii) sharing experiences with other teachers.
  • Observation of peer teachers, sitting in their classes and thus experiencing all educational activities with a researcher’s attitude, grow every teacher’s insight, knowledge, skills, and innovations in pedagogy tremendously.
  • In this process the teacher becomes more candid, a fast learner, self-researcher, active participant and strong education-actor, giving enjoyment to his/her students and at the same time enjoying himself/herself also (like an actor in a drama). Parishkar College has been shaping its orientation in this fashion.
  • The targets are swinging far and high but it is a motivating movement towards this direction.