Institutional Distinctiveness 2023-24
Pedagogy (Teaching-learning process)
Teaching-learning process serves as a backbone for the development of PCGEA. We try to make sure that this backbone becomes constantly stronger for the teachers and the students both to stand on their own, to move further, without the risk of trembling due to weak foundation.
PCGEA has come forth, breaking the old traditional teacher-centered teaching, the passive learners and the monotonic theoretical patterns. Our teaching-learning programme provides facilities to the students aligning in terms of their objectives, teaching-learning methods & assessments. For an inclusive development of the students, the college offers a proper blend of academic and co-curricular activities. Thus, it provides an environment to encourage students’ personal involvement, intrinsic motivation, personal commitment, confidence, abilities to succeed, a perception of managing self learning which leads towards more learning and higher achievements in life.
The basic premise of the whole system in PCGEA is that the curriculum is executed in such a way that the learning activities and assessment tasks are aligned with the learning outcomes that are intended in the course. PCGEA learner-centered approach emphasizes a variety of different types of methods that shift the role of the teachers from the givers of information to the facilitators of the students in learning according to their own way. Thus their roles are facilitative rather than didactic. This learning process highlights the roles of active engagement & social interaction in the student’s own construction of knowledge. In classroom, the learning process starts with, what a student already knows, that largely determines what new information he attends to, how he organizes and represents new information and how he filters new experiences and even what he determines to be relevant and important. The ability understand, analyze, course to the right conclusion to reflect and creat. and regulate one’s thoughts and behaviour is an essential aspect of our learning process.
Faculty training programmes, workshops, orientations and seminars of the teachers are organized frequently by the college to empower and improve the student-centric teaching-learning process. All these workshops have an active learning component either through small group discussions or individual reflection experience sharing-culminating into Self-Training Device. These activities have certainly blazed a trail in teaching-learning process of the College.
To monitor and determine the performance of the students, the college conducts regular Online Tests, Term tests and Pre-Semester exams. It helps in knowing whether students are keeping up with the pace of instruction and understanding all that has been covered so far. Worksheets, written tests, researches, assignments, exercises, oral presentations, question and answer sessions, projects, artwork and co-curricular activities are the different ways adopted for evaluation. For students whose pace of learning is either slow or fast than average or whose understanding of certain ideas is weak are provided with supplementary instruction, remedial teaching, Round Table Guidance (Guidance given by the teachers outside the faculty room sitting in the chairs around some round tables lying in the reception area) or in-class itself through ability developing activities.
An innovative teaching process specially with the worksheets, online learning process, vigorous evaluation system enhancing further learning and value based graduate attributes are culturally bound in PCGEA ambience providing it a strong foundation.
Such academic ambiance plays an important role in forging life-long learning competencies, as well as social attitudes such as tolerance and respect, constructive management of diversity, peaceful management, promotion and respect of human rights, gender equality, justice & inclusiveness. At the same time, it contributes to the development of thinking and prolem solving and creating skills and the acquisition of relevant careers. The co-curricular activities are also called upon to support the student’s personal development by contributing to enhance their self respect, confidence, motivation and aspirations.
PCGEA has constructed its own rationale that a strong student-centric teaching-learning process is the only key process by which excellent academic records in the exams, the capacity building for good jobs and vibrant personality for strong entrepreneurship in life can be achieved. PCGEAhas executed it innovatively and achieved the fruits of it successively. Now, every teacher has a strong faith in it and dedicated to do constant experiments to enrich the student-centric teaching-learning approach.
Thus, the college focuses on the graduate attributes of its students, as it believes in creating such student force that rests on pillars of ethics and earnest endeavour. Such students are the prized possession of PCGEA journey towards not only towards success, but also towards the meaningfulness of the life.
- Feedback based participatory management
PCGEA functioning is feedback based and participatory, where every teacher sets his targets, foresees his own challenges and shares them in annual presentation sessions, the basis on which the whole faculty & management participating altogether, jointly plan the general plans, subject-wise plans & other plans. Students and parents are also consulted informally and their inputs are also considered in plan formulations. Parishkar College Alumni Association-Punarnawa also suggests/assists in designing skill development and placement plans. Thus in the whole process leadership is decentralized widely and cemented thickly by maximum positive participation.
The regular formal and informal feedback of the students, teachers and management personnel is used to modify the strategies and plan the college calendar. The college has an inbuilt system of monitoring and evaluating at each level— the students, teachers, Departmental Heads and management personnel, periodically facilitated by monthly tests, Pre-Semester and Mid-Semester evaluation meetings. The regular feedback system and reforming the plans and the time-table generate inertia, innovativeness and Self-Directed Training process. Such self motivated teachers learn themselves to lead and teach the students to lead themselves, helping in grooming the leadership qualities in all the prime stakeholders. The regular evaluation system, regular feedback-cum-planning-cum-training-cum-executing-cum replanning meetings of the faculty and of the students, promote a culture of participatory management, based on facts.
PCGEA Perspective Plan aims at comprehensive development of its each and every teacher and the student. It is working with the objectives for residential camps of teachers and students, maximum utilisation of time for interaction and learning, capacity building of the students in comprehension, and developing case study and project methods, thus evolving a rich student-centric creative teaching-learning process.