Fee Structure

Parishkar College of Global Excellence (Autonomous)

Under Graduate Course’s Eligibility and Fee 2024-25

BA /Honours/Research

Program Name Percentage in 12th for scholarship Scholarship % (Only for I & II Semester) Yearly Tuition Fee Scholarship Rs. Games & Sports Net Payment (Boys) Semester-I Admission time (Boys) Semester-II (Boys) Semester-III Semester-IV Semester-V Semester-VI Semester-VII Semester-VIII Fee for girls (20% Scholarship on tuition fee) for four year
BA/Hons./Research (3/4 year) (Hospitality & Tourism, Sports Management, Psychology, Geography, Political Science, History, Economics, English Literature, Hindi Literature, Mathematics, Physical Education, Music) Up to 60% 0% 30000 200 30200 15200 15000 15200 15000 15200 15000 15200 15000 Rs. 12,200/- (Sem-I) Rs. 12,000/- (Sem-II)
60 %-69.99% 5% 30000 1500 200 28700 14500 14200
70%-79.99% 10% 30000 3000 200 27200 13700 13500
80% – 89.99% 15% 30000 4500 200 25700 13000 12700
90% and above 20% 30000 6000 200 24200 12200 12000
  • The practical fee for Geography, Music, and Drama for B.A.-I, II & III will be charged at Rs. 500/- per semester additionally at the time of admission.
  • If a cheque is dishonored for any reason, a fine of Rs. 250/- is to be paid.
  • In addition, at the time of admission, the following charges will be applied for the uniform:
    • One pair of jeans at Rs. 1000/-
    • One T-shirt at Rs. 500/-
    • One shirt piece at Rs. 500/-
    • One jacket at Rs. 1,100/-
  • The examination fee for each semester will be charged separately and notified at a later date.

BCom /Honours/Research

Program Name Percentage in 12th for Scholarship Scholarship % (Only for I & II Semester) Yearly Tuition Fee Scholarship Rs. Games & Sports Net Payment (Boys) Semester-I Admission time (Boys) Semester-II (Boys) Semester-III Semester-IV Semester-V Semester-VI Semester-VII Semester-VIII Fee for girls (20% Scholarship on tuition fee) for four year
BCom/Hons./Research (3/4 year) (International Accounting & Finance, Accounting & Taxation, Banking & Insurance, Financial Market and Digital Business) Up to 60% 0% 30000 200 30200 15200 15000 15200 15000 15200 15000 15200 15000 Rs. 12,200/- (Sem-I) Rs. 12,000/- (Sem-II)
60 %-69.99% 5% 30000 1500 200 28700 14500 14200
70%-79.99% 10% 30000 3000 200 27200 13700 13500
80% – 89.99% 15% 30000 4500 200 25700 13000 12700
90% and above 20% 30000 6000 200 24200 12200 12000
  • If a cheque is dishonored for any reason, a fine of Rs. 250/- is to be paid.
  • For Commerce students, in addition to the admission fee, the following items will be charged:
    • One pair of jeans @ 1000/-
    • One T-shirt @ 500/-
    • One shirt piece @ 500/-
    • One jacket @ Rs. 1,100/-

BSc /Honours /Research

Program NamePercentage in 12th for ScholarshipScholarship % (Only for I & II Semester)Yearly Tuition FeeScholarship Rs.Games & SportsNet Payment (Boys)


Admission time (Boys)



Semester-IIISemester-IVSemester-VSemester-VISemester-VIISemester-VIIIFee for girls (20% Scholarship on tuition fee) only for first two semester


(3/4 year)

(Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Mathematics, Geography, Economics, Psychology, Semiconductor, Data Science, Nano Science, Green Hydrogen, Renewable Energy, Herbal Science, Applied Microbiology, Sports Science)

Up to 75%0%35000200352001770017500177001750017700175001770017500Rs. 14,200/-
Rs. 14,000/-
90% and above20%350007000200282001420014000


  1. Practical fee for Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Mathematics will be charged as Rs. 500/- per semester additionally at the time of admission in the semester.
  2. Practical fee for Data Science, Semiconductor, Green Hydrogen, Nano Science, Renewable Energy, Herbal Science, Applied Microbiology, Sports Science will be charged Rs. 2500/- per Semester additionally at the time of admission in the semester.
  3. If cheque is dishonored by any reason, a fine of as Rs. 250/- is to be paid.
  4. In uniform One jeans @ 1000/- each, One T-shirt @ 500/-, One shirt piece 500/- One lab coat as Rs. 250/-, and One jacket as Rs. 1,100/- will be charged additionally at the time of admission.
  5. Examination fee for each Semester shall be extra and notified later.

BCA / Honours / Research

Program Name Percentage in 12th for Scholarship Scholarship % (Only for I & II Semester) Tuition Fee Yearly Scholarship Rs. Games & Sports Net Payment Semester-I Admission time Semester-II Semester-III Semester-IV Semester-V Semester-VI Semester-VII Semester-VIII
BCA/Hons./Research (3/4 year) (Data Science, Artificial intelligence) Below 70%  0% 55000 200 55200 27700 27500 27700 27500 27700 27500 27700 27500
70% – 79.99% 10% 55000 5500 200 49700 24900 24800
80% – 89.99% 15% 55000 8250 200 46950 23500 23450
90% and above 20% 55000 11000 200 44200 22200 22000
BCA/Hons./Research (3/4 year) (Web Development, Software Developer, Cyber Security, Cloud Computing, Digital Marketing/ Visual Communication/ Multimedia & Animation) Below 70%  – 50000 200 50200 25200 25000 25200 25000 25200 25000 25200 25000
70% – 79.99% 10% 50000 5000 200 45200 22700 22500
80% – 89.99% 15% 50000 7500 200 42700 21500 21200
90% and above 20% 50000 10000 200 40200 20200 20000
  • If a cheque is dishonored for any reason, a fine of Rs. 250/- is to be paid.
  • Additional charges at the time of admission:
    • One pant piece: Rs. 550/- each
    • Two shirt pieces: Rs. 1,000/-
    • One tie: Rs. 150/-
    • One blazer: Rs. 1,800/-
  • Examination fees for each semester’s tests and examinations shall be extra and will be notified later.

BBA / Honours / Research

Program NamePercentage in 12th for ScholarshipScholarship % (Only for I & II Semester)Tuition Fee YearlyScholarship Rs.Games & SportsNet Payment


Admission time



(3/4 year)

(Entrepreneurship Development, Digital Marketing, Production & Operational Management, Training & Development, Logistic & Supply Chain Management)

Below 70%0%50000200502002520025000252002500025200250002520025000
70% – 79.99%10%500005000200452002270022500
80% – 89.99%15%500007500200427002150021200
90% and above20%5000010000200402002020020000


  1. If cheque is dishonored by any reason, a fine of as Rs. 250/- is to be paid.
  2. In uniform One pent piece @ 550/- each, Two shirt piece 1000/- One tie as Rs. 150/- and One blazer as Rs. 1,800/- will be charged additionally at the time of admission for BBA students.
  3. Examination fee for each Semester shall be extra and notified later.
  4. The scholarship discount is only for I & II Semester only.

Parishkar College of Global Excellence (Autonomous)

Post-Graduate Courses’s Eligibility and Fee 2023-24

MA, MSc & MCom

Program NameProgram DurationYearly Tuition FeeScholarshipGames & SportsNet PaymentI SemesterII Semester


(Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Botany, Zoology, Data Science, Nano Technology, Renewable Energy, Applied Microbiology, Herbal Science)

IV Semester40,0000%20040,20020,20020,000



IV Semester10,0000%20010,20010,200



IV Semester12,0000%20012,20012,200


(Political Science, History, Hindi, English, Economics)



  • If a cheque is dishonored for any reason, a fine of Rs. 200/- is to be paid.
  • In addition to the uniform:
    • One pair of jeans will be charged at Rs. 1,000/- each.
    • One T-shirt will be charged at Rs. 500/-.
    • One shirt piece will be charged at Rs. 500/-.
    • One jacket will be charged at Rs. 1,100/-.
  • These additional charges will be applicable at the time of admission.
  • Examination fees for each semester’s tests and examinations will be extra and notified later.